Blog | Winter 2019 Software Update B
Just in time for the holiday season, the Virtual CRASH team is rolling out the Winter 2019 Software Update B in December 2019. This update includes the feature enhancements and additions described in the text below.
The Smart Alignment Tool is Even Smarter Now!
If you’re a user of Pix4D and the like, you’ll love this feature. Now, you can specify a file folder of image tiles and corresponding .tfw files, and Virtual CRASH will automatically import, scale, and place the individual image tiles in your scene. This allows you maximize system resources where it is needed the most, and produce even more amazing visuals for your case.
(1) Start by placing the large orthomosaic with corresponding point cloud and point array file into same file folder. Make sure these assets have the same file name (they will all have different file extensions of course). In this folder, also include all image tiles and corresponding tfw files. Each tile should have the same file name as corresponding tfw file.
(2) Next, go to Project > Import. Simultaneously select all tfw files in your project folder that contains the orthomosaic and all image tiles. Left-click on “Open”.
(3) Now, you’ll see the Smart Alignment Tool import dialogue box. Set the units and other settings for the various assets you would like to load. Finally, set the image quality you would like to be applied to all images that will be imported. This quality setting will allow you to maximize your system’s resources versus the image quality necessary to generate the best looking visuals.
(4) You’ll then see all assets loaded and automatically aligned. The separate image tiles and orthomosaic will be grouped together. All images have a new parameter “texture quality” which can be set to any value between 1 to 100%. The higher the value, the better the image quality, but the more system memory that is required to use the image. You can modify the texture quality for all images at once, or one image at a time. When modifying the image quality, the best practice is to type in the numerical value into the image quality input field rather than using the slider.
The major advantage of this feature is that you can now fine-tune where you want to keep the highest image quality. For top-down overviews, lower image quality is typically acceptable since the ability to resolve fine details is diminished as the camera is placed further above the road surface. For driver’s perspective visuals, you’ll typically want to use higher quality images for the road surface near the camera. The trade-off between image quality versus system resources is now easily controlled.
Texture Quality for Any Image or Texture
Note, the texture quality option can be applied to any image, including those that are used as a texture-coat and texture-cap. For example, this filled polyline is filled with an asphalt texture. The texture quality can be changed to reduce the necessary memory allocation used for this texture map.
Improvements to the Kinematics Tool
A core part of the Virtual CRASH feature set is the Kinematics Tool. This tool allows users to conduct simulation optimizations starting at any moment prior to, or at, the moment of impact, and yet attach pre-simulation motion segments to the vehicle trajectories so that the full trajectory (pre-impact to post-impact) can be visualized.
Wheel Rotation and Suspension Effects for Kinematics Portion of Vehicle Trajectory
As of the Winter Software Update B, you will see both wheel rotation and suspension effects. These enhancements to the Kinematic Tool will improve the overall realism of your visuals.
Kinematics Data in Dynamics Report
(x,y,z,yaw,pitch,roll) data has been added to the dynamics report.
Interface Improvement: Camera Reset
The camera orientation will now automatically reset to zero rotation when the user left-clicks on a camera view icon again. Left-click once more to completely reset the camera view to the default setting.
Scale Bar
You’ll find a new Scale Bar object by left-clicking on Create > Helpers 2D > Scale Bar. Because of this tool, the “other 3d > scale bars” folder has been removed from the gallery browser.
New Render Options
Every Nth Frame
Now you can skip frames during the render process. This feature is particularly useful in cases where you want to quickly create a preview of your animation in either direct light or skylight.
First frame / last frame
Now you can specify the start and end point of your animation by using the first frame and last frame index, rather than by using time-min and time-max. Notice, adjusting time-min automatically changes first frame, whereas adjusting time-max automatically changes last frame. Adjusting first frame will automatically change time-min, whereas adjusting last frame automatically changes time-max.
A diagram of how the first frame / last frame options work is shown below. First, the frame numbers are defined by simulation time, assuming all frames are to be written to the output avi file. Using this frame number definition, the first and last frames are identified according to the first frame / last frame inputs. With the known first frame as the starting point, this frame is first rendered to the avi file, then the frame count is advanced by the Nth frame value, and the next frame is rendered and saved to the avi file. The frame count is advanced again by the same pattern until the last frame is exceeded. This feature is illustrated in the video below where we assume speed = 1x. Note, if speed = 1/2x is used, then 60 frames per second is used. If speed = 1/4x, then 120 frames per second is used, and so forth.
Wheel Texture Maps
Wheel texture maps can now be customized. The wheel texture option can be accessed in the axle menu. Each selected wheel texture is used for each pair of wheels per axle. This is shown below. You can find a few wheel texture maps examples in your Virtual CRASH installation area in the shapes/textures/wheels.
Gallery Browser Changes
The gallery browser has been updated as follows:
North arrow objects can now be found in “other 2d > north arrows”.
The symbol “Shoeprint” can now be found in “other 2d > miscellaneous”.
The symbol “TotalStationPos” can now be found in “other 2d > miscellaneous”.
Evidence markers objects can now be found in: “other 3d > evidence markers”.
Two new 2-axle trailers can be found in “vehicles 3d > medium > trailers”.
Wheel texture maps can now be found in “textures > wheels”.
Single Object Report Generation
Left-click on any object. Then go to the report menu. Left-click on “create”. A single object report will be generated.