


Are you a new Virtual CRASH user? Our self-paced training course, The Virtual CRASH Interface, may be just what you need! Learn more about self-paced training >

User's Guide

Quick Start for the Impatient User (VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Public Safety)

Mouse Cursor Controls (VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Public Safety)

Printing Scenes (VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Public Safety)

Changing Variable Units (VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Public Safety)

View & Render Options (VC6 | VC5 | VC4 | VC3 | Public Safety)


The "Virtual Tutor"

Virtual CRASH's innovative Virtual Tutor is a fast and easy way to learn about many of the features of this amazing software tool. Click on the image to learn how to use the Virtual Tutor. 


vCRASH Iconography

One of the most innovative features of Virtual CRASH is the option to use "fast control icons" while you're working on your simulation. This feature really helps to speed up work flow so you don't have to click back and forth on pop up menus with steering and braking tables. Click on the image below to learn more about the fast control icons. 


Importing DXF and 3DS objects

You can import 3ds or dxf object files into Virtual CRASH and use them in your physics simulation, or just use them for diagrams. You can also import obj files into Virtual CRASH 4. The image below illustrates the importing process. 


Trial Version Quickstart video for the Vehicular Accident Reconstructionist

If you've just downloaded the  free trial of Virtual CRASH, then this video is ideal to show you how to drag and drop vehicles into your crash scene and start simulating. It also shows you a few of the must-know features of Virtual CRASH. This video is annotated but not narrated.


Four Essential Features You Need to Know about the Virtual CRASH user interface

If you've just downloaded the  free trial of Virtual CRASH, this video reviews four of the most import interface concepts you’ll want to know about as you evaluate Virtual CRASH functionality. This video is narrated.


Trial Version Quickstart video for Non-Reconstructionists

If you've just downloaded the  free trial of Virtual CRASH, then this video is ideal to show you how to drag and drop vehicles into your crash scene and start simulating. It also shows you a few of the must-know features of Virtual CRASH. This video is annotated but not narrated.


Using the Multiview Display

Learn how to set and adjust your work space in Virtual CRASH. This video is not narrated.